Installation instructions

Installing AmbiScaper

To install the latest version of ambiscaper from source:

  1. Clone or pull the lastest version:
>>> git clone
  1. Install using pip to handle python dependencies:
>>> cd ambiscaper
>>> pip install -e .

This procedure will automatically install the required python and non-python dependencies.

Pip online installer comming soon!

Matlab dependency

If you wish to use the simulated reverb feature implemented by SmirGenerator, you will need to have a valid working version of Matlab.

Non-python dependencies (manual installation)

AmbiScaper has two non-python dependencies:

On macOS these can be installed using homebrew:

>>> brew install sox
>>> brew install ffmpeg

On linux you can use your distribution’s package manager, e.g. on Ubuntu (15.04 “Vivid Vervet” or newer):

>>> sudo apt-get install sox
>>> sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

NOTE: on earlier versions of Ubuntu ffmpeg may point to a Libav binary which is not the correct binary. If you are using anaconda, you can install the correct version by calling:

>>> conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg

Otherwise, you can obtain a static binary from the ffmpeg website.

On windows you can use the provided installation binaries: